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Antigenic Shift

Today 63 years ago, The Netherlands were liberated by primarily the Americans and the Canadians. Therefore, we celebrate our liberation every year on May the 5th. This feast is called ‘Bevrijdingsdag’: Freedom/Liberation Day. We used to celebrate our own freedom from occupation and told ourselves on May the 4th, Dodenherdeking or Remembrance of the Dead, that atrocities like the ones Hitler caused, should never happen again. Every year now, there are less people that consciously experienced the Second World War, and this day has gotten an entirely different meaning now. Life is good in the Netherlands and most of the Western World, but in many places, people are not free and do not have the comfort of a safe home and food on the table every day. In the Western World, we should be very aware of the amazing possibilities we have, compared to millions of other inhabitants of our blue marble.

Therefore, I made this animation for all the Bevrijdingsfestivals, depicting the Global Village, because the world is getting so small and smaller each day. It is the collaborative presence of four NGO’s, Warchild, Amnesty, Cordaid en Vluchtelingenwerk (Refugee Work)

This is quite disturbing. Who has time for this? Well, the people from Pixeloo.

If you liked LocoRoco for the PSP, this might be of interest to you. The makers of LocoRoco have made Patapon, a game that looks very promising to the ones that loved that awfully sweet world of the singing, splitting and joining LocoRoco’s. The signature of the makers is all over the game, but it looks quite different and is based on an entirely new concept: rhythm
based gameplay! Perhaps we can look at this as a mixture between … LocoRoco and Guitar Hero?

This seems to have nothing to with cosmetics, but should be viewed as a cool art project.

Here’s an animation I made for the SP, a political party in the Netherlands, for their member day. It had to be a feast, energetic and fresh. Let me know what you think! High res version here.

Here is a very nice collection of digital art. I refrain from using the verb ‘Photoshopped’, because this implies that photo manipulation can only be done with that one program by Adobe. Let’s just call it ‘photo manipulation’…

A very nice story about … a Danish poet. It won an Oscar in 2006 for animated short film.

A great little film by Yamamura Animation. Kind of twisted, but certainly really good.

Even though the picture below totally looks like an illustration, it is actually a photo! It is made with a technique called HDRI, or High Dynamic Range Image. The colours, the composition, the objects, it all just seems too perfect and orchestrated to be real. However, if you check the photo out on its highest resolution (which is very high!) you’ll see and believe it actually is a photo.

More here, of user Heiwa4126 at Flickr.

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