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Check out this übercool scene from Ninja Strike Force from 1988. Don’t you want to be a white gay ninja now?

The following video is pretty groce, but extremely hilarious, if it is your kind of humour. If it’s not, you might actually find it of very poor quality. It’s a sketch by the infamous Rembo & Rembo comedian duo in the Netherlands. Nostalgische gevoelens erbij?

This is so funny. It’s rude, but you should just see it anyways 😉

This song, by folk singer John McCutcheon is totally made up of Bushisms. When so many Bushisms are combined in a way like this, it’s almost hard to believe that it’s real. My personal alltime favorite is definitely “I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.” This sentence so weird, that it’s almost transcendental, like something a really old Zen monk would say, after having lived in a cave for twenty years, in solitary celibacy. Perhaps George Junior is so much more smart than all of us, that his words are simply not understood by us.

It’s recommended to either listen to the audio or watch the video, but not do it simultaneously, because audio and video do not directly relate

Thank to Jeff…

Nobody has seen Wall-E yet, but we know what he/it looks like. Nice concept, very cool emotional expressions from a robot, the high quality stuff we’re used to getting from Pixar.

However, there’s a very striking resemblance between Wall-E and the robot from the 1986 movie ‘Short Circuit’, called ‘Johnny 5’. Even stranger, the box art is also suspiciously similar. There’s of course a hard to define line between inspiration and stealing, but it seems to me as though Pixar is balancing on the edge here.


The picture of Wall-E was inverted to resemble the colors of Johnny 5 more.


You might know Randy Newman as a singer from a while back. What you might not know, is that he is the in-house composer of Pixar these days. He made the score of Toy Story, A Bug’s Life, Toy Story 2 and Monsters Inc.

Recently, Disney’s composer Alan Menken was (by John Lasseter of Pixar) disposed of and replaced by Randy Newman, to create the score of the upcoming Disney movie The Princess and the Frog. Below is a very odd song sung by Newman himself.

SterSterSterSterSterVerdict: übercool!

Hey there people,

I don’t like to advertise on my blog. That’s why this blog has no advertising on it whatsoever … ever. I’m proud of that. It means to you, the reader, that you know I write for my pleasure exclusively and have the intention to just share the joy, with no further strings attached. However, there are exceptions. Sometimes companies create products that are really cool. Super Mario Galaxy, by Nintendo, is one of these products. This game is extremely well made. I choose to voluntarily advertise it, because I think it will seriously improve the quality of your life 😉

If you ‘liked’ any of the Super Mario titles of the past, you will definitely like Super Mario Galaxy very, very much. The game has all the charm and magic of the now retro Mario’s, and more! The playability, although constantly changing, is extremely smooth with the wiimote and nunchuck at all times, making 3D absolutely not a complicating factor – on the contrary. Once again, you’re the plumber, saving the princess. Just forget about the storyline, you already know it. Super Mario is all about the journey.

The environments are created with gorgeous simplicity and have, especially in cooperation with the music, a very warm and friendly feel to them, even the evil parts of the galaxy. Through what really are hundreds of puzzles, you make your way though Mario’s Galaxy, a large collections of small to tiny planets. Many strange things are done with gravity, as you sometimes walk upside down, or use magnetic objects to move through space. The game is so crammed with inovative ideas, that while you’re making your way through this adventure, you’ll be amazed at each new piece of joy that is released to you, step by step.

The game is sort of multi-player for 1.5 people, in a cooperative mode. One player can walk Mario around, while the other collects the so-called ‘star-bits’, shiny, colourfull pieces that are everywhere you go. Also, (and this is a little secret untill you find it out) the other player can hold certain items, like giant rolling balls on some planets. Even though the game isn’t really multi-player, this way you can give your kid something to do while you get to be Mario anyways 😉

It is absolutely amazing how the makers of this game have once again succeeded in re-inventing themselves and gaming in general. I will stop evangelizing after the next sentence, because this is getting disgusting.

Quit your job, get a Wii, get Super Mario Galaxy.

Doesn’t every little boy and big man want to be like Bruce Lee?

There are millions of sweet love songs out there. Usually, these songs are about young love. The video below featuring Leonard Cohen is about love and romance to the death, in a non-religious manner. It’s about the kind of love that isn’t exciting or spectacular, but it’s the kind of love that is rock-solid and lasts a lifetime. It’s the kind of love that makes one see beyond the wrinkles and the slow decay. True love.

Kind of funny, after the last post 😉

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