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I’m not dead though 😉

How open-minded are YOU?

Brilliant stuff. How do they get this to work?

A really cool documentary about people and how we communicate en socialize with our body in different places and (very) different ways.

Yes, this is indeed what you think it is: Wii Pii Pii Brothers is a peeing game for the Wii, for only $34,95 at ThinkGeek. Now girls too can battle with the boys in precision and/or distance peeing competitions! The video was posted on March 31st, so I’m not sure if this is an April Fool’s hoax, but it certainly seems like one. Wonder when Wii Poo Poo Brothers is released, probably later this year. Let’s not contemplate on what subsequence editions would look like, now shall we?

This is a wonderfully weird put clever game, in which you must cooperate with a groep of ghosts, also operated by you. You’ll understand when you play. Very good concept.


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