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If you happen to be shoppin’ for a god and can’t make up your mind, here’s something you should really see. This man, Pat Robertson, makes a very convincing case on why all non-Christian gods, like Buddha and stuff, are just evil demons. It’s hard to make a case against such strong self-produced literalism, as it ends all possible reasoning immediately.

Check out the incredibly sad story below. It’s about a girl that got kicked off her sports team for refusing to pray. After that, things only got worse. It seems as though the commandment ‘Love thy Neighbour’ is often applied in such a way that people just try hard to make sure that their neighbour is a good god fearing Christian. Skip to 7:40 if you don’t want to see it entirely. Pretty shocking stuff.

You don’t need to be a catholic or even a believer to be happy with the Vatican this week.

The original Seven Deadly Sins (sloth, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, wrath and pride) were a bit outdated, so they we’re updated to Seven Deadly Sins 2.0: genetic modification, carrying out experiments on humans, polluting the environment, causing social injustice, causing poverty, becoming obscenely wealthy and taking drugs. The Vatican is almost becoming hip! Read the full story…


The video below seems unreal, but it looks too well produced to be a spoof. Does anyone know if this is real, and if so, why MTV would make a video like this? The ‘evil’ men in the video sure look and sound like white Americans!

A philosophical animation about what evil is or could mean. Very nice, naive style of design and rendering, somewhere in between motion graphics and animation.

A great song by Borat, and a great analysis of it here.

Perhaps if this guy would’ve grown up a few hundred years ago, he would have been the leader of a fleet of pirates. Enjoy it, but be ready for lots o’ cussin’ and a refreshingly rude look at things.

Title says it all, a bunch of free documentaries you should see, and LOADS OF THEM! Be ready to learn and see your world in a different light after seeing some of these documentaries, like Century of the Self and The Road to Guantanamo. Highly recommended!

Link love from Rocklishus (thanx Jeff!).

Here’s a deleted scene from ‘The Life of Brian’ by Monty Python. Leaving behind all political correctness and possible sensitivities that some people might have concerning the subject, these guys made a good laugh out of a mixture of two very contradictory peoples. Yes, this might be offensive to some people, but hasn’t humour always been the thing that has made us humans capable of psychologically surviving even the most horrific atrocities? Let’s always keep laughing and the last laugh will be on us!

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