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Today 63 years ago, The Netherlands were liberated by primarily the Americans and the Canadians. Therefore, we celebrate our liberation every year on May the 5th. This feast is called ‘Bevrijdingsdag’: Freedom/Liberation Day. We used to celebrate our own freedom from occupation and told ourselves on May the 4th, Dodenherdeking or Remembrance of the Dead, that atrocities like the ones Hitler caused, should never happen again. Every year now, there are less people that consciously experienced the Second World War, and this day has gotten an entirely different meaning now. Life is good in the Netherlands and most of the Western World, but in many places, people are not free and do not have the comfort of a safe home and food on the table every day. In the Western World, we should be very aware of the amazing possibilities we have, compared to millions of other inhabitants of our blue marble.

Therefore, I made this animation for all the Bevrijdingsfestivals, depicting the Global Village, because the world is getting so small and smaller each day. It is the collaborative presence of four NGO’s, Warchild, Amnesty, Cordaid en Vluchtelingenwerk (Refugee Work)

Check out this video of Pamelia Kurstin at the TED conference. Who doesn’t love the Theremin in here? You be damned!

This is so funny. It’s rude, but you should just see it anyways 😉

The video below is obviously heavily inspired by early logo animation. Good stuff!

Here’s an animation I made for the SP, a political party in the Netherlands, for their member day. It had to be a feast, energetic and fresh. Let me know what you think! High res version here.

A great video/audio edit using tin whistle in D, tabla, bongo, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, triangluitar, ukulele, another ukulele, chair with ukulele, chair with tin whistle in D, violin, casio keyboard, erhu/chinese violin, piano, and chair with cellular telephone. Try this at home!

Source: Neatorama

This is just what we’ve all been waiting for: a musical composition completely made with Windows 98 and XP system sounds.

This little app, with the unfortunate name iAno, changes an iPhone into a little piano (hence the name) and that is incredibly useful of course. Created by the clever and charming Mister Aardvark. He’s also working on a digital drum!

This song, by folk singer John McCutcheon is totally made up of Bushisms. When so many Bushisms are combined in a way like this, it’s almost hard to believe that it’s real. My personal alltime favorite is definitely “I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.” This sentence so weird, that it’s almost transcendental, like something a really old Zen monk would say, after having lived in a cave for twenty years, in solitary celibacy. Perhaps George Junior is so much more smart than all of us, that his words are simply not understood by us.

It’s recommended to either listen to the audio or watch the video, but not do it simultaneously, because audio and video do not directly relate

Thank to Jeff…

This is totally weird! Make sure you put on some headphones and close your eyes. Who needs surround audio?

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