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This at first might seem like stand up comedy, someone playing the role of a crazy professor, complete with white coat, large glasses and fluffy hair. But then when you keep listening, you start to realize this guy (Marvin Minksy, a pioneer on Artificial Intelligence) is just being himself, talking about the things he uses his time on earth for.

Oh my, what a time intensive project this must have been…

This is not sci-fi, this is sci-fact! What an incredible machinery!

If you liked LocoRoco for the PSP, this might be of interest to you. The makers of LocoRoco have made Patapon, a game that looks very promising to the ones that loved that awfully sweet world of the singing, splitting and joining LocoRoco’s. The signature of the makers is all over the game, but it looks quite different and is based on an entirely new concept: rhythm
based gameplay! Perhaps we can look at this as a mixture between … LocoRoco and Guitar Hero?

This sure looks like a world changing toy!

Source: BoingBoing

Check out this video of Pamelia Kurstin at the TED conference. Who doesn’t love the Theremin in here? You be damned!

Check out the trailer of the 8 bit documentary below. Looks promising for the ones that love the bricky, 16 coloured, midi sounding era of early gaming. Pure nostalgia.

An 81 year old man in Australia wanted to commit suicide, so he turned to the internets for some advice. The solution he found and used was (of course) a killer bot! He built the thing and succeeded! I’m so curious to know what the killer bot looked like, but as far as I can tell, there isn’t a picture available yet. What a way to go … pretty cool actually, compared to the more conventional ways of dying. Full article here.


As you might or might not know, I am an incredible fan of the real-time visualization tools (especially Arc) of Digg, that really makes the web feel much more lively and current. Now there’s Flickrvision, a really nice visualization tool that shows current postings of photos on Flickr. It even has a 3D view. Personally, I prefer the ‘Classic View’ as they call it, because it serves its purpose: showing photos.

These are the images that people all over the world are currently investing some of their time in to share them with anyone who cares to look. I sometimes wonder what this tells about the world. How objective is the idea an alien gets about the earth, just by looking at many photos people voluntarily share with the world? First of all, I think we do not wish to share ugly things, or photos we consider to not be so aesthetically pleasing. We probably have the tendency to point our lenses at things of interest and or beauty and we will always try to find some sort of a composition, even if it is not more than aligning the object in the center of the image.

More than an honest look into the lives of people, through photography we are looking through their eyes. If the photography of lots and lots of different people are combined in a single place and you look at them flashing by, what are we really looking at?

The video below is NOT a 3D rendering, but shows a project called Morpho Towers by Sachiko Kodama and is an amazing combination between art and technology. The towers are created with Ferrofluids. Makes you wonder how environmentally this kind of art is.

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