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Antigenic Shift

Are you sitting there, comfortably, alone, behind your computer screen? Perhaps, no certainly, you are not as alone as you feel and think you are. In fact, if you prefer to stay in the illusion that you are by yourself at any point in time, do not, I repeat: DO NOT watch the video below…

This must be one of God’s jokes. Or perhaps … it comes from outer space and it was created by a God from another planet. Or … could it be one of Satan’s creations? It sure looks evil.

Found here

Paul Watson

Paul Watson has been called a bandit and an angel. Whatever your opinion on the guy, you must admit that he has some balls, that he uses for an altruistic cause. Here‘s an interesting article on Sea Shepherd, the organization Paul Watson started, because he was dissatisfied with (according to him) Greenpeace’s meek approach to saving the environment. Check Paul Watson’s resume.

It sure sounds romantic: to boldly sail the seven seas on a continuing mission to seek out new injustice and new uncivilized behavior and boldly do what nobody else will do about it. As a modern day pirate!

Not a wise old elephant, a turtle or another grayish and wrinkly animal is the oldest creature known to science. The utterly boring clam is the oldest at 405 years. Full article here. Does the way it is displayed on the photo below that it is dead now?

Check out photographer Chris Jordan’s website and photos. His work uses visual statistics to explore the cumulative complexity of mass consumption and American culture. Click here to go to his excellent site.

Post stolen from Rocklishus, The Tickle Machine: Thanks Jeff!

What a fish! The photo below is really cool. It doesn’t look like it has teeth, but it does look it could do something to you if it wanted. How did the fat fish train all the little fish? How appropriate that this photo was taken with a fish eye lens.


There are people saying that an asteroid called TU24, approximately the size of the Empire State Building, very nearly hitting our pale blue dot coming Monday, just might hurt us really bad even while certainly physically missing us. It’s all speculation and it’s off course sensational and exciting stuff for astronomy nerds to scare the masses with, but still, according to NASA it’s the biggest thing visiting our solar neighborhood untill 2027. Check out this spine chilling list of close calls between space floating stuff and our planet by NASA.

In 1908, in Tunguska, Russia, a piece of forest 2,150 square kilometers (830 square miles) large was totally destroyed, probably by a ‘passing meteor’ creating an explosion 1000 times stronger than Hiroshima, and supposedly, it was much smaller than TU24 … well at least, that’s what Wikipedia says about people theorizing about the cause of the giant destruction back then. What is hard with things like these is that a normal person (like you and me?) can really say or think nothing useful about any of it, because we have to base our fears on the specialist theories of highly specialized people in a particular area of science, passin’ us hypotheses on relatively pretty unpredictable natural phenomena, based on the little knowledge they have on the subject, while us ‘regular folks’ just have no way of verifying any of it, because we can’t at all see what they (believe to) see. Whenever the end of life as we know it enters the story, that’s mediagenic stuff! On the other hand, perhaps we just shouldn’t know at all

Bring it on! There’s absolutely nothing we can possibly do about stuff like this. Hope to still be blogging on Wednesday though, with at least ten fingers, one eye, a functional brain and a working internet conection 🙂

ps: what goes up must come down. Oh and these are other ways we could collectively go, just in case we’re still in one piece on Wednesday 😉

You got to see this to believe it. It’s enchanting, to say the least. What a magnificent animals!

Check out this great and very large collection of photos, made at various abandoned places in Japan. There’s such beauty in the sadness of many of the pictures…

Thanks to Growabrain.

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