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Antigenic Shift

If you liked LocoRoco for the PSP, this might be of interest to you. The makers of LocoRoco have made Patapon, a game that looks very promising to the ones that loved that awfully sweet world of the singing, splitting and joining LocoRoco’s. The signature of the makers is all over the game, but it looks quite different and is based on an entirely new concept: rhythm
based gameplay! Perhaps we can look at this as a mixture between … LocoRoco and Guitar Hero?

Supposedly, world famous designer Philippe Starck has declared he is quitting. Not only that: he has also (according to this article) declared his whole career materialistic, and even dreadful!


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The video below is obviously heavily inspired by early logo animation. Good stuff!

This seems to have nothing to with cosmetics, but should be viewed as a cool art project.

Here’s an animation I made for the SP, a political party in the Netherlands, for their member day. It had to be a feast, energetic and fresh. Let me know what you think! High res version here.

A philosophical animation about what evil is or could mean. Very nice, naive style of design and rendering, somewhere in between motion graphics and animation.

The video below is NOT a 3D rendering, but shows a project called Morpho Towers by Sachiko Kodama and is an amazing combination between art and technology. The towers are created with Ferrofluids. Makes you wonder how environmentally this kind of art is.

Nokia doesn’t seem like the type of company to risk its reputation by attaching its name to projects and concept bound to fail. For the person that has no understanding of nanotechnology, the concept visualized below seems rather far-fetched. However, if it is theoretically possible, it would open the door to a lot of possibilities. Whatever they’re dreaming up, let’s just wait and see 😉

It’s frikkin’ useless, but frikkin’ fun! A glow in the dark multi-touch Rubik’s cube. Who has not only the knowledge, but also the money and the time to put a thing like this together?

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