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If you don’t know Banksy, get ready to be amazed.
Here’s a very true quote by him.

This sure looks like a world changing toy!

Source: BoingBoing

The video below is obviously heavily inspired by early logo animation. Good stuff!

Here’s an animation I made for the SP, a political party in the Netherlands, for their member day. It had to be a feast, energetic and fresh. Let me know what you think! High res version here.

What an amazing accomplishment. Whatever way it’s technically put together, great result!

Check out photographer Chris Jordan’s website and photos. His work uses visual statistics to explore the cumulative complexity of mass consumption and American culture. Click here to go to his excellent site.

Post stolen from Rocklishus, The Tickle Machine: Thanks Jeff!

Someone alerted me to this article at Gawker, about a new form of advertising which is a little disturbing, to say the least. Supposedly, with a hypersonic sound-beam, it is possible beam an audio recording DIRECTLY INTO SOMEONE’S HEAD!

That’s just not right…

Free Range Studios is a creative agency with high integrity. They’ve created Story of Stuff, a short film about what’s wrong with the way the industry treats the world. Check it out and spread the word!

Let’s hope many more creative talents will give up their work for the commercial world, and use their very powerful art to the advantage of the world and all the creatures on it.

Thanks Jeff!

OK, it’s one thing to make a car that does less harm to the environment. That’s a good thing, or at least not as bad as an ‘old-fashioned’ petrol car. On the other hand, do car manufacturers really have a choice, with the upcoming worldwide oil shortage? Ford has this new system in some of their cars, called Ford Flexifuel (make sure you can hear the birds whistling), which uses either petrol, bio-ethanol or a mixture of the two. This sounds less bad for the environment. However, bio-ethanol may not be as friendly as it sounds, and is highly criticized for several reasons. It’s still in debate if bio-ethanol is a good thing or not.

Of course it’s easy to criticize a large car company on their first, cautious steps to do their thing for a better world. Let’s be clear about the fact that cleaner cars are of course better than dirty cars, and big companies thinking about this at all is a pretty great thing, to say the least. However, in the commercial below, it seems as though Ford is the company that will save the environment. In reality, it was Ford that invented mass production of cars! Driving a Ford, even a Flexifuel one does not help the environment, even though that would be very nice, if it were true. Unfortunately, we will have to drive less to make a real difference.

Today I went to see Earth in the cinema, and before that film started, the commercial below was shown. In the high quality of the cinema screen it was very touching at first and it seemed to be the beginning of the film. We were all surprised by a Ford logo, claiming to care for baby animals. It was clear that people in the theater were pretty appalled by this commercial in this context, and with good reason. Below the commercial is a picture of a Ford Expedition SUV, that drives 10 miles to a gallon, compared to the 12 miles a gallon usage of a Hummer. What do you think?

Ford Expedition SUV, 10 miles to a gallon.

A new browser for Wondows, Mac and Linux has surfaced, and it’s really, really good! It’s a derivative of Firefox, so it feels very familiar, (if you’re using Firefox of course) but it is very different at the same time. If you’re into zé sociale webbe and like to keep track of a hundred thousand things on the web, then you will LOVE Flock very much because of its numerous tools to do just that. Most (so not all) Firefox extensions, plugins and add-ons will workin Flock, like Bookmarks. A very important reason for Mac users is the fact that Flock uses about 1/8 the amount of RAM compared to Firefox (!). Use your old browser to download Flock and give it a go. Please let me know what you think!

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