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Are you sitting there, comfortably, alone, behind your computer screen? Perhaps, no certainly, you are not as alone as you feel and think you are. In fact, if you prefer to stay in the illusion that you are by yourself at any point in time, do not, I repeat: DO NOT watch the video below…

Supposedly, world famous designer Philippe Starck has declared he is quitting. Not only that: he has also (according to this article) declared his whole career materialistic, and even dreadful!


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The video below seems unreal, but it looks too well produced to be a spoof. Does anyone know if this is real, and if so, why MTV would make a video like this? The ‘evil’ men in the video sure look and sound like white Americans!

A philosophical animation about what evil is or could mean. Very nice, naive style of design and rendering, somewhere in between motion graphics and animation.

A documentary and a cartoon about Net Neutrality, check ‘m out.


Not a wise old elephant, a turtle or another grayish and wrinkly animal is the oldest creature known to science. The utterly boring clam is the oldest at 405 years. Full article here. Does the way it is displayed on the photo below that it is dead now?

A very nice story about … a Danish poet. It won an Oscar in 2006 for animated short film.

This song, by folk singer John McCutcheon is totally made up of Bushisms. When so many Bushisms are combined in a way like this, it’s almost hard to believe that it’s real. My personal alltime favorite is definitely “I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.” This sentence so weird, that it’s almost transcendental, like something a really old Zen monk would say, after having lived in a cave for twenty years, in solitary celibacy. Perhaps George Junior is so much more smart than all of us, that his words are simply not understood by us.

It’s recommended to either listen to the audio or watch the video, but not do it simultaneously, because audio and video do not directly relate

Thank to Jeff…

Check out photographer Chris Jordan’s website and photos. His work uses visual statistics to explore the cumulative complexity of mass consumption and American culture. Click here to go to his excellent site.

Post stolen from Rocklishus, The Tickle Machine: Thanks Jeff!

There are people saying that an asteroid called TU24, approximately the size of the Empire State Building, very nearly hitting our pale blue dot coming Monday, just might hurt us really bad even while certainly physically missing us. It’s all speculation and it’s off course sensational and exciting stuff for astronomy nerds to scare the masses with, but still, according to NASA it’s the biggest thing visiting our solar neighborhood untill 2027. Check out this spine chilling list of close calls between space floating stuff and our planet by NASA.

In 1908, in Tunguska, Russia, a piece of forest 2,150 square kilometers (830 square miles) large was totally destroyed, probably by a ‘passing meteor’ creating an explosion 1000 times stronger than Hiroshima, and supposedly, it was much smaller than TU24 … well at least, that’s what Wikipedia says about people theorizing about the cause of the giant destruction back then. What is hard with things like these is that a normal person (like you and me?) can really say or think nothing useful about any of it, because we have to base our fears on the specialist theories of highly specialized people in a particular area of science, passin’ us hypotheses on relatively pretty unpredictable natural phenomena, based on the little knowledge they have on the subject, while us ‘regular folks’ just have no way of verifying any of it, because we can’t at all see what they (believe to) see. Whenever the end of life as we know it enters the story, that’s mediagenic stuff! On the other hand, perhaps we just shouldn’t know at all

Bring it on! There’s absolutely nothing we can possibly do about stuff like this. Hope to still be blogging on Wednesday though, with at least ten fingers, one eye, a functional brain and a working internet conection 🙂

ps: what goes up must come down. Oh and these are other ways we could collectively go, just in case we’re still in one piece on Wednesday 😉

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