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The Swedish pirates are back with another movie, called Steal this Film II. If you haven’t seen the first part, check it out here before watching the movie below. There’s a lot say about this subject. Please watch the 45 minute movie below, and make up your own mind…

Check out the video below. It is hosted by Vimeo. The video has a resolution of 1280 by 720 progressive if you click the Full-button, compared to the 720*576 (PAL) or 640*480 (NTSC) standard tv-resolutions we’ve had to look at since the 60’s. It’s by far the highest resolution streaming video service available today, and for free!

It’s quite obvious that television networks are going to have to move to the web pretty soon, because they’ll be able to ‘broadcast’ their stuff at a better quality, to a greater audience, for less money! Also, youtube should really watch out for sites like these, that could become pretty huge in a short amount of time, for good reasons!

Long live independents of the future!

A new browser for Wondows, Mac and Linux has surfaced, and it’s really, really good! It’s a derivative of Firefox, so it feels very familiar, (if you’re using Firefox of course) but it is very different at the same time. If you’re into zé sociale webbe and like to keep track of a hundred thousand things on the web, then you will LOVE Flock very much because of its numerous tools to do just that. Most (so not all) Firefox extensions, plugins and add-ons will workin Flock, like Bookmarks. A very important reason for Mac users is the fact that Flock uses about 1/8 the amount of RAM compared to Firefox (!). Use your old browser to download Flock and give it a go. Please let me know what you think!

Title says it all, a bunch of free documentaries you should see, and LOADS OF THEM! Be ready to learn and see your world in a different light after seeing some of these documentaries, like Century of the Self and The Road to Guantanamo. Highly recommended!

Link love from Rocklishus (thanx Jeff!).

Naomi Klein, well known for her book No Logo, has now written a book about a ‘political’ strategy that is very relevant today, with politicians telling us to be afraid of terrorists while the real dangers are amongst our own. Klein calls this strategy The Shock Doctrine.

This is a funny story, about a Russian man that deposited a humble amount of money to an ATM, but got millions of rubles on his ATM receipt! Even stranger: the bank clerks weren’t interested in his ‘problem’ until he had cashed millions of rubles and threw them on their desk.

Songbird (for Mac, based on Firefox) hasn’t got a release candidate yet, but it’s looking pretty good!

Manu Chao getting political, and doing it well…

Ever wondered where God came from? Here’s Douglas Adam’s answer…
Also, here is a collection of really cool Douglas Adams quotes.

Here’s a really cool sort of quote:
1) Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
2) Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
3) Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.

Simple, but well made.

Give it a try!

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